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Subscribe Now Learn MoreRemoving QR codes from Georgia ballots could cost taxpayers $66 million
Georgia lawmakers are deciding whether to spend as much as $66 million to remove computer QR codes from ballots or abandon the idea in favor of a $15 million software update. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger asked a Senate budget committee Wednesday to consider the less expensive option for the state’s 6-year-old voting equipment, manufactured by Dominion Voting Systems. Mark Niesse, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
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Building Operational Resilience
Preparedness in the Face of Disasters
By Kevin O’Reilly and TJ Pyche
Less than six weeks before Election Day 2024, Hurricane Helene made landfall in Florida as a Category 4 hurricane, and proceeded to cause destruction throughout the Southeast, including in North Carolina, where more than 100 people died in what has been called a 1,000-year flood event. Hurricane Milton hit Florida again just ten days later.
Helene and Milton destroyed some polling locations and left others unusable. They wiped out roads, took down telephone poles, knocked out electricity, and left communities without cellphone service. Elections officials were left to pick up the pieces at the same time that they dealt with their own personal loss. A recent report from the Election Infrastructure Initiative estimates that the affected counties face approximately $120 million in recovery and restoration costs.
Disasters like these don’t announce themselves, and they can cripple the electoral process.
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