Knowing It’s Right Part Three: Planning and Conducting a Risk Limiting Audit Pilot

By Jennifer Morrell

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The best way to learn how a risk-limiting audit (RLA) works is through hands-on experience. Conducting an RLA pilot provides an opportunity for everyone involved to become familiar with the terms and procedures. It is a great first step for states that are considering RLAs, or those that have recently passed RLA legislation, to learn how an RLA might work in practice on a smaller scale. This document is a guide for state and local officials who wish to collaborate on planning and conducting an RLA pilot program. The material provided is focused as much on the pre-pilot preparation as the pilot audit itself. Consider using this as a working document that will guide you through the initial planning stage, preparing for the pilot, conducting the pilot, and recording information to aid in making recommendations for future pilots or official RLAs. In other words, think of this as a detailed road map for developing a pilot program for your state.

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