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Thursday March 13, 2025
AZArizona Arizona Secretary of State Proposes Alternative to Defunded National Election Security ProgramArizona Maricopa County election officials reach temporary deal amid larger power struggle
ARArkansas Woodlawn Approves 3 Polling Sites for Election
CACalifornia One of Shasta's 2 new supervisors unmoved when it comes to controversial elections panel
COColorado Security cuts could impact local Colorado electionsColorado Arapahoe County Receives National Recognition for Collaborative Voting Initiative with Adams and Denver Counties
CTConnecticut ‘Checklist’ software for polls gets selectwomen’s vote of approval
DCDistrict of Columbia Appeals Court to Hear Challenge to D.C. Noncitizen Voting Law
FLFlorida Millions of dollars returned to Orange County elections office still grappling with 2024 billsFlorida Florida ethics commission clears Collier elections supervisor of misconduct allegationsFlorida Orange County gets more money back — but not all — after Glen Gilzean spending scandal
GAGeorgia White County Election Board moves forward with new Blue Creek voting locationGeorgia Georgia election bill replaced in late-night maneuver, an attempt to change voting laws
INIndiana College students say bill infringes on their voting rights for partisan reasonsIndiana County election board seeks support for vote centers
LALouisiana Lafayette Parish preps voting machines for March 29 election
MDMaryland Frederick updates voter registration language in city code
MAMassachusetts Boston braces to consider ranked choice voting in local elections
MIMichigan Rank MI Vote looks to Ann Arbor to support ranked choice voting
MNMinnesota One vote at a time: Stein retires after distinguished career
MSMississippi Tupelo voters to have new precinct at polls next month
NVNevada Where's my sample ballot? Nevada bill would make sure you get it before your mail-in ballot
NHNew Hampshire New Hampshire turns out for town elections
NYNew York Grand jury report finds absentee ballots mishandled during 2023 Tuxedo Park elections
OHOhio Lucas County Board of Elections receives $480,000 grant for May primaryOhio Ohio election officials reviewing rolls for inactive voter registrations
PAPennsylvania ‘Our democracy will get better.’ Pa. legislators push for open primaries
TXTexas Proof-of-citizenship requirement for voters gains momentum in Texas
UTUtah Utah Was a Rare Red State to Champion Mail Voting. That Era Is Likely Ending.Utah Park City considers ranked choice voting for 2025 election
VTVermont Recount for Manchester Select Board set for Thursday
VAVirginia County officials move to relocate 6 Chesterfield polling places
WIWisconsin Madison, Wisconsin, puts city clerk on leave amid investigation into missing November ballotsWisconsin Wisconsin appeals court overturns ruling allowing for emailing ballots to disabled votersWisconsin Wisconsin appeals court tosses improper temporary injunction for emailed absentee ballotsWisconsin Assembly committee votes to nix proposed election observer rules
WYWyoming Secretary Gray releases Weston County report and calls for clerk’s removal
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