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Tuesday January 20, 2009
ALAlabama Absentee ballots drive Sulligent mayor challenge
AKAlaska Voter registration records under review
CACalifornia Vote-by-mail balloting becomes more popular
COColorado Buescher sworn in as secretary of state
FLFlorida Hillsborough finds uncounted ballotsFlorida High court wants to hear more about Sarasota election case
GAGeorgia Voting precincts may be combined
INIndiana Commissioners approve voting machine contractIndiana County to tell state vote centers worked wellIndiana Lake Central election could cost $105,000
KSKansas Kiowa County clerk retires
MNMinnesota In Minnesota, another bid for a recountMinnesota Coleman camp wants one more look at absentee ballotsMinnesota Townships consider election date switchesMinnesota Voters ballots rejectedMinnesota Minnesota officials seek election improvementsMinnesota Senate recount
MSMississippi Voter ID likely to die in HouseMississippi House proposes voter ID, early voting bill; Hosemann objects
MTMontana Secretary of state opposes move to local authority over accessible votingMontana Montana legislation to support post-election audits of voting machinesMontana Rep. wants better ID for voter registrationMontana Legislative committees mull voting changes
NENebraska Second Nebraska bill targets same-day registration
NVNevada Nevada district board seat picked by luck of draw
NMNew Mexico Same-day voter registration advocated by Common Cause
NCNorth Carolina Election winner may be fraudNorth Carolina Hearing set for possible voter fraud caseNorth Carolina Challenge to voting law causes concerns
NDNorth Dakota Bill opposes mail-in voting
OKOklahoma Bill would require funeral directors to report deaths to election boardOklahoma Bill aims to recast elections
PAPennsylvania Votes secure, but machine stolenPennsylvania Elections play big role in woman's life
RIRhode Island Court fight continues on election
TXTexas Groups oppose voter ID billTexas Voter ID issue brings partisan struggle backTexas Texas legislature may ban straight-ticket votingTexas Voter registration problem stop one woman from voting
VAVirginia Early voting bill quickly tabled by House, not likely to returnVirginia Delegates toss early voting, redistricting billsVirginia Va. senate panel backs early-voting measure
WAWashington Huff to stay in race for elections directorWashington King County's first all-mail electionWashington Voting starts for vote counter
WIWisconsin State AG drops lawsuit
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