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Thursday January 7, 2010
CACalifornia Instant runoff approved for Oakland mayoral raceCalifornia Instant runoff decision may affect San Leandro elections
FLFlorida Snipes wants to delay purchase of accessible voting equipment
MIMichigan Barrow asks Cox to investigate alleged voter fraud
MNMinnesota Judge grants access to rejected '08 ballots
MSMississippi Voter ID effort returns
NJNew Jersey Superior court to hear voter challenge
OHOhio Simmons gets another term on elections board
RIRhode Island Raptakis leaning toward run for secretary of state
TNTennessee Election commission discusses voting machine legislationTennessee Election officials preparing for busy year
TXTexas Fort Bend County to demonstrate joint primary process
VAVirginia Registrar knows ropesVirginia Primary comes with high price tag
WAWashington Washington to appeal voting rights for felonsWashington Prisoner voting headed to Supreme Court? State officials say yes
WVWest Virginia County officials want to offer Internet voting
WIWisconsin Tosa official pushes for voter ID referendum
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