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January 30 - February 1, 2010
National NewsNational News Fired U.S. attorneys say politics lead to their ouster
CACalifornia Election-day registration worries clerkCalifornia Push for same-day registration in California
COColorado Arapahoe County officials say voters prefer mail-in primary
CTConnecticut Garfunkel to run for secretary of state
FLFlorida Audit includes $4K bank errorFlorida High school voter education
ILIllinois New state law affects incomplete ballotsIllinois Undervoting law causes questionsIllinois New undervoting law could cause polling place confusionIllinois Undervote notification causes stir in EffinghamIllinois Push is on for even longer election cycleIllinois Board of elections director
INIndiana Report
LALouisiana Kids take part in their own election process
MOMissouri County expects elections to cost about $400K in 2010
NMNew Mexico Hamilton 'not giving up' on ID to vote at polls
OHOhio Garrison exits secretary of state raceOhio Elections board cuts clerk hours, payrollOhio Casto nominated for elections boardOhio Not all happy with polling location changesOhio Democrats might switch on secretary of state
TXTexas Commissioners OK additional personnel for elections
VTVermont Small turnout for IRV repeal hearing
WAWashington Supreme Court may decide felon voting rights issue
WVWest Virginia Keyser moving to stagger elections
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