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Tuesday February 2, 2010
National NewsNational News Secretaries of state are tipping the balance of power
CACalifornia Agran backs fair election effort
GAGeorgia Richmond voters to to the polls for the fourth time in four months
ILIllinois Machine tells if you leave a race blankIllinois New ballot rules tested in Tuesday's primaryIllinois Undervoting alerts may delay ballotingIllinois Election judges prep for long day aheadIllinois Attorney general to help root out voter fraudIllinois Election judge fired, maced, arrestedIllinois Eisenhower voters change plans
LALouisiana Early voting sets record surprising NO registrar
NJNew Jersey Evaluation of machines ordered
NYNew York Jefferson County tests technology for recording votes in next electionNew York Village may use lever machines in March election
OHOhio New Dem in race for elections chiefOhio Democrats switch candidates for secretary of state
SCSouth Carolina Atlantic Beach delays election vote
TXTexas Parker County residents get ready for primary
VTVermont Group pushes to keep IRV
WAWashington Overseas voting bill moves forwardWashington Email voting measure heads to Senate
WVWest Virginia Mix-up sends voters to another precinct
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