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Tuesday February 9, 2010
AZArizona Cuts could delay launch of new voting system
CACalifornia Bowen to hold hearings on voting systemCalifornia Electronic voting needs upgrade but won't be cheapCalifornia Three-candidate limit on IRV unconstitutional, suit saysCalifornia Recall leader charged with voter fraud
FLFlorida Brookville gives initial OK to eliminate special election
GAGeorgia Election official backs election changes
ILIllinois Lawmakers head back to Peoria with list of problemsIllinois Recount likely for Iroquois County
KSKansas Kansas secretary of state resigns
KYKentucky Witness
MNMinnesota Red Wing officials debate ranked-choice voting
NENebraska Clerk wants baord to create new position
NMNew Mexico Same-day early voting clears SenateNew Mexico Secretary of state
NCNorth Carolina Judge hears arguments in Hope Mills election dispute
OHOhio Checks of voter records coming
PAPennsylvania Filling vacancy 'a complicated situation'
TXTexas Election office seeks help at the pollsTexas N. Texas voters face an array of elections
WVWest Virginia Greenbrier County readies for election
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