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Thursday February 18, 2010
ALAlabama Panel approves voter ID photo requirementAlabama New bill would expand absentee voting options
CACalifornia Vote Safe Now initiative announced
COColorado Election officials on the hunt for polling placesColorado Commissioners consider mail-in primary
FLFlorida Counties could punt buying voting equipment for disabledFlorida Move to push back Jacksonville elections raises legal questions
HIHawaii New chief elections officer selected for Hawaii, no special election date set yet
ILIllinois Kane County votes all counted, but fighting might not be over
INIndiana Rokita urges taxpayers for vote centersIndiana Study
MEMaine City will decide vote system to choose mayor
MDMaryland Judge rejects challenge to Snow Hill election
NCNorth Carolina Commissioners decline pay raise for election workers
OHOhio Husted files for secretary of state
SDSouth Dakota ACLU seeks to expand voting lawsuit
VTVermont Primary date likely to move to August
VAVirginia Group files suit over rejected NSU voter applicationsVirginia GOP primary will come at a cost to taxpayersVirginia Absentee voting bill passes HouseVirginia Council votes against polling place alternatives
WIWisconsin Church offers use of building as polling place
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