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February 20 - 22, 2010
AKAlaska State settles lawsuit, agrees to offer aid in Yup'ikAlaska Translations can be difficult
AZArizona Election officials use GPS to track equipmentArizona Override activists 'flipping' out over ballots
CACalifornia Don't have ID? Can't vote on regular ballot initiative saysCalifornia DA investigates allegations of voter fraudCalifornia Carmel banks on private voteCalifornia Tobin to formally announce candidacy for secretary of state
HIHawaii Lawmakers advance bill to allow for faster purchase of voting machines
IAIowa Special election total
KYKentucky Clay County precinct worker testifies she stole votes
MIMichigan Questions raised about costs of elections
MNMinnesota 5th District special election about $8.65 per voteMinnesota Primary could move to August
MTMontana County eliminates, combines 10 polling places
NMNew Mexico City clerk sets record straight on early voting
NYNew York Switch to electronic voting has hit some snagsNew York Elections board suit claims discrimination
NCNorth Carolina One-stop sites established
OHOhio Brunner seeks intervention in case to fill county elections seatOhio Secretary to seek source of funding
TXTexas Hidalgo County's mobile voting could lessen politiqueras' influenceTexas New system aids election workersTexas Clerk calls police on precinct commissionerTexas Polling problems in El Paso
VAVirginia Nosy neighbors could know your votes
WIWisconsin Town questions lease provisions for new polling place
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