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Wednesday March 17, 2010
ARArkansas State
COColorado Primary voting to be mail-only
CTConnecticut Plainville may cut voting precincts
FLFlorida Florida joins House debate on felon voting rightsFlorida Criticism comes after elections official fails to run audit
GAGeorgia Georgia questioned on e-voting problems and oversight
HIHawaii Primary election date problematic
ILIllinois Facing new rules, election board budget may be cut
KSKansas Securities chief named secretary of stateKansas Governor picks Dem for secretary of state
NJNew Jersey Asbury Park's move of polling places touches off dispute
NMNew Mexico Former SoS employees who backed Salaza were incompetent Herrera says
NYNew York Elections board says budget cuts a setback to e-vote devices
OHOhio Contract steering charged in voting machine dealOhio Clerk to offer ballot how-toOhio Deal to avoid ballot shortages
TXTexas Elections office request for temporary help approvedTexas Texas Rangers to investigate vote fraud in Starr CountyTexas Special election will come with frustrating price tag
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