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April 10 - 12, 2010
AKAlaska City considers plans to turn around voter turnoutAlaska Election mistake due to overlapping districts
COColorado Voting bill ignites capitol firestorm
FLFlorida Revamped approach looks to increase number of younger votersFlorida Two elderly women allege voter fraud in Haines City
GAGeorgia Kemp aims to sue government over voter verificationGeorgia Walker County BOE unanimously votes to consolidate voting precincts
KYKentucky Voter rolls trimmed by 1,000
MTMontana Precincts move to new polling place
NJNew Jersey New voters get an election-day preview
NYNew York 'Illegal' raise for elections board returned
NCNorth Carolina Burke County elections director resigns
OHOhio Few blacks on urban county election boards in OhioOhio Brunner calls for open primary system
PAPennsylvania Trial nears in voter registration fraud casePennsylvania Deployed military members encouraged to request absentee ballot
TNTennessee Proposed bill would fix purged voter threatTennessee Marion County elections adminstrator resignsTennessee Marion County election official quits under fire
TXTexas Entrance to voting booths is not allowedTexas Starr County employee arrested in connection with impounded ballots
VAVirginia Requirement added for restoration of voting rightsVirginia McDonnell in hot water over nonviolent felons' rights
WIWisconsin Waupun conducts recountWisconsin Proposed changes to election laws risky and expensive, legislators say
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