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Thursday April 15, 2010
ARArkansas Election commission sets dates for poll worker approval
CACalifornia Officials begin shipping ballots to military
CTConnecticut Bysiewicz testifies in lawsuit against her own office, party
FLFlorida Davie residents allege voter discrmination
GAGeorgia State launches Web site for voters
IDIdaho Candidate continues legal quest for new location
MAMassachusetts Malone to serve three more years as city clerk
MIMichigan Johnson mulling run for secretary of stateMichigan Effort started on election changes
MNMinnesota Haunted by '08, GOP recruits election judges
MOMissouri Missouri House pushes ahead with voter ID requirement
NJNew Jersey Jersey City residents getting new school board ballotsNew Jersey Commissioners backpedal on election date
NYNew York Is it worth an election?
OHOhio 10 percent of Cuyahoga County's voting machines fail pre-election testOhio Elections board OKs hiring 1700 for primaryOhio Rankin believes poll volunteers will decline
PAPennsylvania County needs poll workers...and fast
TNTennessee Election commission calls special meetingTennessee Changes in early voting in Knox CountyTennessee Election commission to choose administrator by May 4
TXTexas Judge orders mail-in ballots impounded
WIWisconsin Election not quite over in WaupunWisconsin Attorney General criticizes election billWisconsin Elections bill could lead to fraudWisconsin Poll worker altered ballots
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