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April 17 - 19, 2010
AKAlaska City clerk backtracks on number of voting irregularities
CACalifornia Ballot problem at hand again
FLFlorida Mayoral recountFlorida Hanging chads are recalled in Florida museumFlorida Lawsuit settlement will bring billingual ballots by 2012Florida Losing candidate alleges fraud, files suit
INIndiana Vote centers open this weekIndiana Huntington clerk investigated for fraud
KYKentucky Paper ballots are back for upcoming primary
MIMichigan Dems endorse Benson for secretary of stateMichigan Bay City officials look to consolidate voting precincts
MOMissouri Voter photo ID returns along with other election proposals
MTMontana Most like absentee ballot voting
NYNew York Senators approve absentee bill paring
OHOhio Diversity lacking in most urban elections boardsOhio Secretary of state hopefuls target Ohio's election system
SCSouth Carolina Councilwoman's request for new election granted
TNTennessee Shelby County's expensive partisan primaries falling out of favorTennessee Voter downplays dispute that has Knox satelite office shut downTennessee Probe goes on after administrators exitTennessee Poll workers in short supply in Shelby County
WVWest Virginia Election tests in Summers CountyWest Virginia County officials say more choosing early voting option
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