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Tuesday April 20, 2010
National NewsNational News Perez to testify before Civil Rights Commission
ALAlabama Huntsville Times wins bid to publish voter registration info
CACalifornia Federal judge supports ranked-choice voting in SF
CTConnecticut Panel kills primary day registration bill
DCDistrict of Columbia Gun law proposal snarls local support for voting rights
INIndiana Marion County voting machines get the OKIndiana First vote centers get voting started in earnestIndiana Grants will cover polling places improvementsIndiana Emergency change in voting location
KYKentucky Campbell GOP seeks change on county elections boardKentucky Three get light sentences, but judges say others won't
MNMinnesota Secretary of state wants a few good election judges
MOMissouri County voters receive new registration cards
RIRhode Island Mollis kicks off college voter registration drive this week
TXTexas Mail-in ballot measures haven't topped lawmakers list of priorities of voting legisltion
WVWest Virginia Election budget reviewedWest Virginia Voter registration deadline is Tuesday
WIWisconsin Grant County board election challenged
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