Daily News
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May 01 - 3, 2010
National NewsNational News Two suits challenge the heart of Voting Rights Act
AZArizona Voters to decide whether Lt. governor will replace secretary of state
ARArkansas Secretary of state candidates seasoned public servants
CACalifornia Sample ballots combined into one pamphletCalifornia NBC San Diego and eVote announce partnership
FLFlorida Florida elections official Kurt Browning resigns
INIndiana License branches extend hours for voters
IAIowa Web-based absentee ballot tracking
KSKansas Mentally ill voter rights on ballot
KYKentucky Authorities to be on the lookout for voter fraud
MNMinnesota Cities, counties looking for election judgesMinnesota Winona felon voted in '08
NCNorth Carolina One-stop continues until May 4North Carolina State investigates vote buying allegations
OHOhio About 90 voting machines freeze up when run through preliminary testOhio Reason for voting machine glitch found, officials expect things to go OK for primaryOhio Processing of absentee ballots underwayOhio Election board prepares for TuesdayOhio High court keeps Mason on elections boardOhio Residents help change Ward One polling stationOhio Absentee voting alterspolling access
TXTexas Scurry County early voters forced to scramble
VTVermont Gibbs to run for secretary of state
VAVirginia Election isn't a spelling bee
WIWisconsin Couple charged with double voting say it was an honest mistake
WYWyoming American Indians win voting rights lawsuit
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