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Wednesday May 5, 2010
AZArizona State mailing directs some voters to wrong polling places
CACalifornia Supervisors take Schwarzenegger to task
INIndiana Several polls open late in MarionIndiana Many news faces working polls in MarionIndiana Poll workers in short supplyIndiana Centers, issues boost turnoutIndiana Confusion greets some votersIndiana Rokita wins in crowded fieldIndiana He's making out soldiers' votes countIndiana Under-aged students worked polling sites
IAIowa Mauro, 'I have a passion for the job'
KYKentucky New voting machines to debut on May 18Kentucky Campbell to buy protective sleeves for ballotsKentucky Kentucky primary won't be affected by flooding
MAMassachusetts Mendon election may wait until November
NENebraska Clerk clears up election protocol
NYNew York County cans plan to cut polling sites
NCNorth Carolina Primary election marked by low turnout and computer glitches
OHOhio Election results finally final before 2 a.m.Ohio Polling station loses powerOhio Controversy errupts over Facebook post by elections employeeOhio 'Deliberate attack' on Butler elections Web siteOhio Fisher defeats BrunnerOhio Voter gets wrong ballot, incident said to be isolated
OROregon Oregon Senators lead effort to expand vote-by-mail
PAPennsylvania Security concerns reamin about voting machines
SCSouth Carolina New project to recruit poll workers launched
SDSouth Dakota Election features sit-down voting
TNTennessee Slight delay to some results reported
TXTexas Claims of vote fraud in AltonTexas Local candidate files suit against election officialsTexas Coding error allowed District 5 voter to cast ballot in District 1
VAVirginia Voting machines hit 10-year markVirginia Complaints of voting problems in Norfolk
WVWest Virginia Kanawha tests voting machines for primaryWest Virginia Primary preparations continue around WVaWest Virginia Tennant hosts voting forum on WebWest Virginia Candidates file complaints, injunction against absentee ballots may be sought
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