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Tuesday May 18, 2010
ALAlabama Polling place changes
ARArkansas Minor problems reported by early votersArkansas Voters learn to vote electronically
CACalifornia Bill increases scrutiny of electionsCalifornia Oceanside city clerk
COColorado Mesa County cuts number of vote centers
CTConnecticut Registrar of voters says not to nomination
HIHawaii 130K ballots returned in special election
IAIowa Libertarians join secretary of state race
KYKentucky Hopkins County voters to utilize new voting machinesKentucky Officials say they're ready for the primaryKentucky New machines await votersKentucky Majority of Kentuckians using paper ballots
NENebraska Provisional ballot count swings election
NJNew Jersey Abritrator finds Passaic County election chief fired workers improperlyNew Jersey Judge order mayoral recount
NYNew York Election reform among charter amendment revision agenda
NCNorth Carolina Second primary in NC costing millions
OHOhio More than 63 ballots disqualified
OROregon Some wait till last minute to cast ballots
PAPennsylvania City officials brace for polling problems on Tuesday
SDSouth Dakota State will spend thousands to aide Lakota at the polls
TNTennessee Meager election budget amendment passedTennessee Three polling places moved
TXTexas Members establish polling sites for runoff election
VTVermont Jason Gibbs to run for secretary of state
WVWest Virginia Absentee ballots now seen as key to Lincoln voting
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