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Wednesday May 19, 2010
National NewsNational News DOJ lawyer who brought Black Panthers case resigns
AZArizona County tests new electronic poll booksArizona Bennett seeks to remain secretary of stateArizona Yavapai County first to try out electronic poll books
ARArkansas Clerk candidate seeks removal of voting machinesArkansas Farmington polling place problems solvedArkansas 27 votes mistakenly counted in FarmingtonArkansas Benton County election's team may mean smoother electionArkansas Voting snafu snags Lincoln
CACalifornia Supervisors approve purchasing machines to count ballotsCalifornia Printing error leads to ballot mistake in SonomaCalifornia Unlikely candidates vie for state's top elections jobCalifornia Clariemont man finds mistake on sample ballotCalifornia Non-citizen voting proposed for SF school electionsCalifornia Vote-by-mail misprint in San Fernando Valley
CTConnecticut Registrar announcement stuns RTCConnecticut Court rules against secretary of state
FLFlorida Supervisor of elections office not meeting demands for cutsFlorida Second hearing on election suit produces no resultFlorida Complaing against elections supervisor dismissedFlorida Broward elections supervisor cleared in 08 dispute
GAGeorgia Gwinnett elections director honored
HIHawaii Special election mail-in ballot hits 43 percent
KSKansas Steineger fined $5K by state
KYKentucky Voter turnout lower than expected, Paul supporters accused of intimidationKentucky Boone runs out of GOP ballotsKentucky Turnout high, few problems at the pollsKentucky Few problems reported at the pollsKentucky Voter turnout low, no snags at precinctsKentucky Vote fraud comes from across East KentuckyKentucky Hazard businessman charged with vote buying
MOMissouri Cooper County clerk testifies against advance-voting proposalMissouri St. Louis man accused of voting in two states in 2008 general election
NYNew York Fire forces poll site changes
NCNorth Carolina Elections board tosses complaints about helping voters
OHOhio Ohio Supreme Court denies mayor's suit against elections boardOhio Ballot that lead to worker quitting is disqualified
OROregon Clackamas County clerk race heads to runoff
PAPennsylvania Voting machine malfunctins in Crawford CountyPennsylvania 2008 voting discrepanceis claimedPennsylvania Some vote twice in Uniontown voting errorPennsylvania Husband and wife team help voters in West YorkPennsylvania Bad advice costs woman her vote
SCSouth Carolina City takes steps to change voting season
TNTennessee Election results certified, but challenge inquiry madeTennessee Delayed Davidson County election is on
VTVermont GOP race will bring lively debate to secretary of state race
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