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Friday May 28, 2010
ALAlabama Polling changes in Troy
AZArizona Court
CACalifornia Gearing up for election dayCalifornia Tuteur agrees to fix mistakeCalifornia Torrance's measure would return city elections to a stand-alone date
FLFlorida Voting precinct in New Hope to be moved to Campbell ParkFlorida Dunedin proposes moving election date
ILIllinois Campus voting bill clears Senate committee, closer to final passage
INIndiana Avon vote to be reviewed
IAIowa Republican secretary of state hopefuls call for electoral reformIowa Only one vote cast at Luther satellite voting location
KSKansas Salina man seeking secretary of state office
MSMississippi Dem leaders back election lawsuit
MOMissouri New legislation makes voting easier for military members
NJNew Jersey Pamlico begins clearing dead and those who've moved from voting lists
NYNew York End of an era
NCNorth Carolina State looking into possible voter fraud in Hoke County
OHOhio Stainbrook ally wants elections board probeOhio Foes balk at cost of special election levy try
PAPennsylvania County solicitor says no evidence of problems with voting machines
VAVirginia McDonnell streamlines restoration of rights
WVWest Virginia Tennant says she must keep quiet on Lincoln CountyWest Virginia Lincoln County officials served subpoenasWest Virginia Lincoln results certified, legal challenges expected
WYWyoming County asks judge to amend voting rights ruling
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