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Tuesday June 22, 2010
ALAlabama Secretary of state
CACalifornia Special election brings added work, costsCalifornia Special election causes confusionCalifornia Santa Clara supervisors race still unresolved
CTConnecticut Legislation protecting voting rights of U.S. military is passed by full legislatureConnecticut Wolcott to get two new voter registrars
FLFlorida Flagler elections chief upset with countyFlorida Special election wasn't as costly as feared
ILIllinois Two polling places to be dropped
INIndiana Online voter registration arrives July 1
KYKentucky Flaig seeks election records
MEMaine Ranked-choice voting raises new issues
MDMaryland ACLU, minority voters challenge Crisfield election procedures
NCNorth Carolina Voters returning to pollsNorth Carolina Fewer one-stop sites, no Sunday voting supportedNorth Carolina Counties spending significant sums on runoff elections
SCSouth Carolina Voters go back to the polls todaySouth Carolina City council to take up voting changes
TNTennessee No vote uncounted
TXTexas Island council races hinge on provisional ballotTexas Taxpayers fund special District 22 election
UTUtah Utahns head to the polls for primary election
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