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Thursday July 22, 2010
National NewsNational News Recession producing more new voters
ALAlabama Chapman named president of National Association of Secretaries of StateAlabama Yates says county owes him for election work
AZArizona Supervisors approve election disaster plan
CACalifornia Fresno county suspects voter fraud in four racesCalifornia The new phenomena of voting by mail
CTConnecticut Weston's polling place moved
DCDistrict of Columbia Fenty could directly appoint election boardDistrict of Columbia DC flap over dwindling election board
GAGeorgia Question on Republican ballot raises questionsGeorgia Computer woes a headache for Wilkinson election officialsGeorgia More time to vote, but fewer ballots cast in electionGeorgia Working the pollsGeorgia New faces headed to Chatham elections boardGeorgia Congressional election re-dos confusing, costlyGeorgia Runoff stresses cash-strapped counties
ILIllinois Will County election suit dropped
INIndiana Election board dismisses precinct race complaint
KSKansas Immigration is hot topic in secretary of state raceKansas Advance voting in county is on the rise
MIMichigan County clerks busy for elections
MNMinnesota Severson wants voting reform
MTMontana Looking for glitchesMontana Beartooth co-op launches initiative for mail-ballots, easier access
NYNew York Coughlan spending review clears Dutchess elections board
NCNorth Carolina County DSS part of e-filling voter registration program
OHOhio Voting machine lawsuit settlement includes free upgradesOhio Voting by mail gets stamp of approval in Cuyahoga County
OKOklahoma Feds helping in local investigation into vote fraud case
TNTennessee Eight indicted in Dyer County for voting as felonsTennessee Who killed election commission chair?
WAWashington 31 votesr registered in one house sparks investigation
WVWest Virginia Election evidence secured at courthouseWest Virginia Special election will cost Monongalia County at least $125KWest Virginia Ramey thankful county won't incur special election costsWest Virginia County clerks kick into high gear to prepare for special election
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