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August 07 - 9, 2010
AKAlaska Voting options
ARArkansas County changing vote tally
COColorado DA
FLFlorida Voting machines checked in BrevardFlorida Popularit of early voting changes campaign strategiesFlorida Sticky absentee ballot issue fixed in BrevardFlorida Some early voters find ballots confusing
GAGeorgia Secretary of state candidates accuse each other of lyingGeorgia Georgia voter registration rules called too difficults
INIndiana Hunt for election panel chief heats up
IAIowa Secretary of state race wide open
KYKentucky Event highlights voting rights for the disabled
MEMaine Lawmaker wants voters to show ID at the polls
MDMaryland New system lets Marylanders print out absentee ballotsMaryland Ehrlich chastises state on military voting request
MIMichigan Glitches keep clerk, staff at office till 3am
MNMinnesota Ritchie addresses change in primary electionsMinnesota Absentee voting changes ease burden on election officials
NYNew York New York's decades old voting machines deadNew York A new threshold for election valuesNew York County changes polling places
NCNorth Carolina North Carolina election leaders denouncedNorth Carolina Many calling for BOE chair, director to step down
TNTennessee Dems may ask to throw out electionTennessee One long nightTennessee First votes won't be lastTennessee Election results in lost votesTennessee Spoiled ballots can't be countedTennessee State vows website will be fixed by November election
VTVermont Jim Condos tours his background in run for secretaryVermont Democratic secretary candidates view role differently
VAVirginia Secure voting?Virginia Roanoke seeks 'bailout' from Voting Rights Act
WAWashington Machine to help those who find ballots hard to read
WYWyoming Unopposed candidates aim for secretary of state
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