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Tuesday September 14, 2010
National NewsNational News DOJ IG to review voting rights section
CACalifornia Federal judge upholds city's IRV systemCalifornia Judge OKs ranked choice voting
DCDistrict of Columbia More than 2,000 ballots cast earlyDistrict of Columbia DC, Maryland gird for a busy day at the pollsDistrict of Columbia There may be no quick call in mayoral race
GAGeorgia Elections director contract off the table in Cobb
ILIllinois Census
INIndiana GOP again shoots down satellite voting
MDMaryland Prince George's readies for Tuesday ballotingMaryland DC, Maryland gird for busy day at the polls
MAMassachusetts Danvers changes polling place for primary
MNMinnesota Minnesota, Wisconsin chase double votingMinnesota Ritchie touts early voting
MSMississippi Company protests Hinds purchase of voting equipment without bids
MTMontana Mail ballot stumbles for now
NYNew York Election watchdogs positioned for record voting mishapsNew York Electronic voting makes its way to New YorkNew York Optical voting machines get first use in New YorkNew York Lever machines are election historyNew York Voting goes hi-techNew York Bill could increase student voter turnoutNew York Broome battle tested when it comes to new voting systemNew York Are poll workers being used to inflate job totals?
NCNorth Carolina A statewide race to use IRV
OHOhio Elections board reduces polling places
OKOklahoma Voter ID state question faces challengesOklahoma Oklahoma man casts ballot in Oklahoma, Tenn.
RIRhode Island Teens join long-time veterans to man the polls
USVIUS Virgin Islands Vote goes off despite rain and late opening
WVWest Virginia GOP considers lawsuit over ballot layout
WIWisconsin Wisconsin, Minnesota chase double votingWisconsin Local clerks prep for primary voters
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