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Thursday September 16, 2010
CACalifornia Ex-S.F. registrar Jay William Patterson, III dies
DCDistrict of Columbia New voting machines cause delaysDistrict of Columbia Once again, delays plague counting of ballots in DistrictDistrict of Columbia DC elections board scolded by politicians, defends counting pace
FLFlorida Report
HIHawaii More than 60,000 absentee ballots already returnedHawaii Clock is ticking for Honlulu's absentee voters
ILIllinois GOP email accuses Dems of polling place plot
INIndiana Lawmakers fight for vote centersIndiana Vote centers get big 'yes' vote
IAIowa Mauro says opponent misleading voters
KSKansas Kobach proposes creating an online voter fraud reporting program
MDMaryland Tallying early votes slows election countMaryland Computer problems slow Baltimore tallyMaryland Delays in election results caused by human errorMaryland Early voting costs still being addedMaryland Candidate claims votes missing, officials skepticalMaryland Prince George's elections chief explains slow tally
MAMassachusetts Power fails at pollsMassachusetts Time to consider voting machinesMassachusetts Primaries cost, but voters stay homeMassachusetts At the polls, a prayer and some bright orange paintMassachusetts Police arrest polling place robbery suspect
MIMichigan Secretary of state candidates largely unknown
MNMinnesota Conservative voter group files IRS complaint against LWV
MOMissouri No new election in razor-thin race
NHNew Hampshire Federal law may have slowed ballot counting
NMNew Mexico Dueling election officials invoke records lawNew Mexico Election officials doubt vote safeguards
NYNew York Mayor takes BOE to taks over voting machine flawsNew York Before vote, city officials fretted about new systemNew York Board of elections faces tight deadline to fix voting problemsNew York Voting machines register complaints in WestchesterNew York Despite some snags, experiences with new voting machines seemed to go smoothlyNew York Onondaga County voting scanner reveals bugs to be fixed by NovemberNew York Election officials learn lesson on primary nightNew York Top ten stupid problems in Tuesday primaryNew York Oneida County election totals still delayedNew York Primary is good 'practice run' for new poll machinesNew York Nassau officials blame workers for voting machine woesNew York Election commissioners say primary went smoothly
OHOhio Stark County BOE may move
OROregon Oregon man accused of casting dead son's ballot
TNTennessee Complaint filed against Hardin County election commission dismissed
TXTexas Travis County voters might face long lines on Election Day
UTUtah Lawmaker proposes changes to provisional ballot process
VAVirginia Brown calls for email investigation
WAWashington Woman wants young adults to Rock the Vote
WIWisconsin Federal judge approves agreement on military votingWisconsin Alderwoman accused of hitting poll worker with car
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