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Tuesday September 21, 2010
AZArizona Tea party t-shirt headed to court
CACalifornia Four cities plan for ranked-choice voting
FLFlorida November election ballots in the mail
INIndiana Elections board to debate satellite voting--again
LALouisiana Secretary of state stops in Vidalia
MDMaryland Turnout still low with new voting rulesMaryland Absentee envelopes scrutinized in Worcester
MNMinnesota Group fighting to restore voting rights to felons on probationMinnesota The curious case of the inmate who voted while in jail
MOMissouri Absentee ballots by secure email now available for military voters
NENebraska Voting system aims to reduce waiting times
NYNew York Election monitors sought for cityNew York New law mandates polling places be accesible to disabled voters
NDNorth Dakota Spirit Lake polling site on county agenda
OHOhio Partisanship, redistricting underlie high-stakes secretary race
OKOklahoma Lawsuit over state questions may be re-filed
PAPennsylvania Should places of worship be used for polling places?
RIRhode Island Recounts scheduled in primary races
SDSouth Dakota Early voting dawns sooner this year
TXTexas County geared up for election with borrowed machinesTexas Election back on track in Harris County
VTVermont Candidate responds to questions surrounding crash
WAWashington Reed says voters prefer Washington's top-two primaryWashington Ban on felon voting goes before the 9th CircuitWashington Reed discusses Washington elections and future of voting
WVWest Virginia Tennant calls GOP ballot lawsuit frivolous
WIWisconsin Group alleges voter suppression effort
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