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September 25 - 27, 2010
National NewsNational News Ex-DOJ official blasts Voting Rights enforcementNational News Three states may keep us guessing about midterm after electionsNational News Bias led to 'gutting' of Black Panther case Justice official says
Overseas NewsOverseas News Congress seeks state absentee ballot compliance
AKAlaska Murkowski seeks clarification on write-insAlaska Murkowski
AZArizona An early primary is suggested for Arizona
CACalifornia Every vote counts
COColorado Move underway to change how voters are tabulatedColorado Candidates debate state's voting securityColorado Aspen election commission mulls actions if voters retain IRV
CTConnecticut Bysiewicz announces absentee ballots for overseas/military voters
FLFlorida Election day is already over for many Floridians as early voting surgesFlorida Daytona leaders face absentee ballot probe
GUGuam GEC welcomes federal lawsuit
ILIllinois Ballot access lawsuit doesn't stop suburban election process
INIndiana Voting machines ready for November election
LALouisiana Polling place has competition from festival
MDMaryland National Guard member sues election boardMaryland Guardsman, military advocates sue elections board
MIMichigan Benson challenges GOP rival to reveal finances
MNMinnesota Secretary of state candidates debate
NMNew Mexico Claims fuel contest for secretary of state
NYNew York Minor errors plagued voteNew York Clerk takes heat for going to poll sitesNew York Polling is consolidatedNew York DiPietro takes BOE to court
NCNorth Carolina 16, 17-year olds pre-registerNorth Carolina Some Wake polling places change
NDNorth Dakota Party leader calls for Spirit Lake Reservation voting site
RIRhode Island Russo asks state Supreme Court to halt printing of ballots
SDSouth Dakota Shannon officials and commissioners reach accord, early voting to startSouth Dakota Secretary of state race gains steam
TNTennessee Changes, complaints hit Davidson County election commission
VTVermont Ballot delays not causing a problem
VAVirginia More Va. felons get their rights restored
WVWest Virginia GOP may appeal ballot rulingWest Virginia Court denies GOP appeal
WYWyoming Voting rights legal bills top $880K
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