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Thursday October 21, 2010
ALAlabama Berry charged with voter fraud, perjuryAlabama Absentee voter fraud investigation opened
AKAlaska State segregates 17 Homer ballotsAlaska Write-in candidate list mistakenly posted in voting booths
AZArizona In Arizona, illegal immigrants, felons and multi-state residents vote unabated
COColorado Judge won't reinstate 6, 000 purged votersColorado Routt County must copy ballots after errorColorado Routt County voters express trust after ballot errorColorado Stripped by electioneering law
CTConnecticut GOP chair alleges vote fraud
FLFlorida It's the law
IDIdaho Changes you need to know before Election Day
ILIllinois Board of elections and DOJ in talks over overseas ballots
INIndiana Election 101
IAIowa Election software developed in Cerro Gordo
KYKentucky Vote fraud in KentuckyKentucky Officials watching for voter fraud
MEMaine Portland ponders local voting by noncitizens
MDMaryland Hyattsville councilmember wants to extend local voting to noncitizens
MAMassachusetts Polling place consolidation considered
MNMinnesota A bounty for fraud catchers
NENebraska Secretary of state candidates speak out
NYNew York Onondaga County saves money by printing its own ballotsNew York Election commissioners manage ballot headachesNew York Hornell polling site changedNew York Oops
NCNorth Carolina Runoff system draws fireNorth Carolina Elections board hears polling place squabble
NDNorth Dakota As many as 40 percent of Burleigh County voters may cast ballot early
OHOhio Columbus attorney appointed to review absenteesOhio Candidates focus on business, elections and reapportionment
OKOklahoma No problem for state military ballots
OROregon About 1,000 Portland voters receive wrong ballotOregon Ballot delay will be investigated
PAPennsylvania Polling place changes approved
RIRhode Island Secretary of state race
SCSouth Carolina Republican officials criticize Beaufort election official for complaining about application glut
TNTennessee Way to cast ballot changes again
TXTexas Paperless voting to continue for a whileTexas Election officials breaking in ePollbooks
VAVirginia Ex-official sends letter of complaint about email
WAWashington Emailed overseas ballots under fire in Washington
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