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October 30 - November 1, 2010
National NewsNational News Conservative groups step-up presence at polls across U.S.National News More than 400 Election Day monitors to be deployedNational News More voting headaches ahead?National News Partisan armies amass for recountsNational News Election fraud charges swirl even before Election Day
Overseas NewsOverseas News Overseas voters rock the vote with online toolsOverseas News States under pressure to mail military ballots
Technology NewsTechnology News Paperless e-voting concerns overblown say officials
AKAlaska Alaska Supreme Court hears arguments on write-in listsAlaska Supreme Court allows write-in lists to be shown upon requestAlaska Senate write-in vote could delay results for weeksAlaska Alaska voting forecast
AZArizona Feds will monitor some Arizona pollsArizona Outside the Pinal County elections departmentArizona Recorder
CACalifornia Riverside County lands on federal watch listCalifornia Observers to monitor polls in 2 countiesCalifornia Thousands of ballots hold error on Prop 23California County abuzz as 20K mail-in votes get talliedCalifornia Absentee ballot misprint discoveredCalifornia LA may experiment with vote-by-mail pushCalifornia Election workers get readyCalifornia Voting changes extend election seasonCalifornia Mail-in ballots change long traditions
COColorado Democratic volunter accused of voter fraudColorado Recount looms for Colorado officials with tight U.S. Senate raceColorado Election Day is looming
CTConnecticut Ballots in 4 towns will be double sided
DEDelaware Disabilities Law Program to monitor accessibility of voting sites
FLFlorida PBC schools clear out for Election DayFlorida Judge says Sarasota vote recount unnecessaryFlorida Razor-close governor's race triggers fear of recount, memories of 2000
GAGeorgia Debate over Georgia's paperless e-voting process continues
ILIllinois Woman to cast her first ballot at age 80Illinois Attorney general to watch for fraud
INIndiana Carroll County clerk resignsIndiana BMV expands hours to provide voter IDs
IAIowa Machines help make voting easy, accessibleIowa Last day of early voting draws crowds to Long Lines
KSKansas Heated debate in secretary of state raceKansas Kansas has hottest secretary of state race in countryKansas Kobach slips on voting claim
LALouisiana Rapides Parish early voting totals are upLouisiana Schools make changes for Election Day voting
MDMaryland Early voting draws 219K voters
MAMassachusetts Poll-watchers keep eyes out for fraud
MIMichigan Candidates for secretary of stateMichigan Americans overseas can cast votes easier, faster
MNMinnesota Simple act of voting is no longer simpleMinnesota One woman, one vote, wrong ballotMinnesota Secretary of state candidates worried about double votingMinnesota Group provides consistency for rejecting, accepting absentee ballots
MSMississippi Questions about fairness for Hinds County elections
NENebraska Stewart seeks secretary of state post
NHNew Hampshire Attorney General warns of online voting scam
NJNew Jersey Attorney General to send staffers to counties to help with elections
NMNew Mexico Voter registration form tampering reportedNew Mexico Election officials bar tea party gear from polls
NYNew York Dutchess election chiefs demonstrate new voting machinesNew York Dutchess expects long but smooth day at the pollsNew York Election should be 'smoother than primaryNew York Rockland board hopes changes bolster voter privacy, speed election resutlsNew York In case of 'screw-up' Tweet or callNew York Election Day to be true test of county's new electronic systemNew York Optical scan voting begins
NCNorth Carolina GOP files suit against use of touch-screen voting machinesNorth Carolina Judge orders additional instruction for touch-screen voting machinesNorth Carolina New allegation of voting machine malfunctionsNorth Carolina Election system questionedNorth Carolina Touch-screen voters in North Carolina will get an alertNorth Carolina Election workers threatenedNorth Carolina Spreadsheet will tally instant-runoff votes
OHOhio Legislator, Franklin County clerk vie for top state election officialOhio Absentee voting highOhio Officals expect smooth Election Day
OKOklahoma State question 746
PAPennsylvania Bucks County elections board will count absentee ballots at its officePennsylvania Volunteers examine rejected ballots
RIRhode Island When it comes to voting, R.I. keeps late hoursRhode Island Feds will be watching for election fraud
SCSouth Carolina Voting machines under fire as general election draws nearSouth Carolina Ins and outs of placing your vote
TNTennessee Seven make case to be Davidson County election administratorTennessee Clouds but no rain expected on Election Day
TXTexas Early voting closes in Harris County with record turnoutTexas Voter assistance perplexes election administratorsTexas Election Day preparations hit roadblockTexas Feds on the lookout for voter abuse in LubbockTexas New voters need an ID
VAVirginia State board of elections
WAWashington Parties set for recounts, protests
WIWisconsin Brown County Clerk
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