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November 06 - 8, 2010
AKAlaska Murkowski confident with strong write-in count facing Miller challengesAlaska Elections chief responds to Miller complaintAlaska Division of elections gearing up for write-in countAlaska Election official refutes Miller write-in count claim
AZArizona Hispanic group seeks to force provisional ballot count
CACalifornia Alleged ballot thief pleads not guiltyCalifornia Workers sift through mountain of Marin ballotsCalifornia Legal move could delay ballot resultsCalifornia Perata knew ranked-choice voting posed a problem for himCalifornia Registrar
CTConnecticut Election snaufs may tarnish Bysiewiz's statureConnecticut Lawmakers will try to fix ballot problemConnecticut Ballot bungle puts registrars in unaccustomed spotlight
FLFlorida Voting process has undergone big changes in last 10 yearsFlorida Tale of two counties on election nightFlorida Palm Beach County faces ever increasing glare, but is it fair?
IDIdaho Ysura to tackle absentee ballot rules
MDMaryland Frederick election officials receive kudos
MAMassachusetts The results may have been typical, but Election Day wasn't
MNMinnesota Familiarity with voting machines plays a part in smooth electionMinnesota Students may face felonies over illegal voter vouchingMinnesota Howe win triggers special electionMinnesota Security, emotions high on road to recountMinnesota Students seek on-campus polling site
MTMontana Mills explains error in returns
NENebraska Teens work at polls
NJNew Jersey Big jump in mail-in ballots in two counties
NMNew Mexico Incoming SOS Duran won't abandon Otero County rootsNew Mexico Duran talks about plans for officeNew Mexico Quintana picked as deputy secretary of state
NYNew York Monroe County voting machines are auditedNew York Error in tally upends Congressional raceNew York Election official
NCNorth Carolina Election results could change
OHOhio Akron student captures voting booth problems on his iPhone
PAPennsylvania Recalibration of voting machines needed during electionPennsylvania Bucks County GOP ends absentee ballot application challengePennsylvania Bake sales, cramped quarters among few polling place complaints
RIRhode Island Secretary of state candidate Taylor's undoing was Mollis' strength in urban areasRhode Island Nine candidates ask for recounts
SCSouth Carolina Human error possible cause of voting machine problems
USVIUS Virgin Islands Races unchanged after first count of absentees
VAVirginia DMV voter registration problems
WVWest Virginia Voters have mixed opinions on special election
WIWisconsin Elections run relatively smoothlyWisconsin No surprises in fall election
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