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Friday November 12, 2010
ALAlabama DeKalb County to hold special election
AKAlaska Miller strategist alleges voter fraudAlaska Miller campaign plans to file suit over alleged voter fraudAlaska New help for Miller campaignAlaska Miller challenged in wrong court, state saysAlaska Murkowski camp cries foul in ballot count
AZArizona Appeals court won't force ballot count from citizenship disputeArizona Ballot counting won't be finished by Friday
ARArkansas 66 election ballots turn-up missing
CACalifornia The winning strategy in Oakland
COColorado State to investigate Sagauche County electionColorado Provisional ballots may reverse some election results
CTConnecticut Panl to look into ballot shortage
FLFlorida Box of uncounted absentee ballots could affect 3 races
KYKentucky Three candidates request re-canvassingKentucky Recanvass called for in two elections
LALouisiana State Rep. Walker Hines mulling run for secretary of state
MNMinnesota Emmer says he won't stretch out the recountMinnesota Watching the vote counters watch the electionMinnesota County prepared for expected recountMinnesota County election officials wading into document requests
MOMissouri Voting advocates question students' removal from voter lists
NVNevada Supervisors approve vote count
NYNew York Election Day problems inspire push for fixesNew York More than 10K absentee ballots could hold key in tight race
NCNorth Carolina Madison County voting irregularities investigatedNorth Carolina Commissioner's slate elections explanationNorth Carolina Election survey finds errors on some ballots
TNTennessee Motion to dismiss election count suit filed
TXTexas Ortiz seeks funds to help pay for recount
WYWyoming State canvassing board releases Haynes' vote total
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