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November 20 - 22, 2010
ALAlabama County election officials unaware of any problemsAlabama Paychecks delayed for Jefferson County poll workers
AKAlaska Judge says Miller ballot question belongs in state courtAlaska Miller wins opportunity to block vote certification
CACalifornia Election Day starts complicated process of determining winnersCalifornia Bay Area races increase scrutiny of ranked-choice votingCalifornia County to consolidate polling places for January electionCalifornia Consolidation of elections on ticketCalifornia Busy weekend for elections staff, final results may be in by ThanksgivingCalifornia GOP challenges signatures on provisional ballotsCalifornia Intimidation alleged at some polling places
COColorado Board brings election comlaint to BOCCColorado Election discrepencies explained
CTConnecticut A few bucks for a few more ballots would have changed historyConnecticut Election woes raise questions over Conn. electionsConnecticut Bridgeport voting mess puts focus on local control of electionsConnecticut Veteran registrar of voters retiring in Bozrah
DEDelaware Wilmington council wants special election
FLFlorida Disabilities Act might force PB County to replace all voting machines by 2016Florida Escambia election officials recognized
GUGuam Dems seek new election, Gutierrez-Aguon team files federal-local lawsuits
ILIllinois Miller raises recount moneyIllinois Vermillion County clerk candidate will seek recountIllinois Action on voter fraud allegations yet to be taken
INIndiana Democrats file voter fraud challenge against WhiteIndiana Democrats contest White's election
IAIowa Auditor
KYKentucky Coursey says only minor problems with election
MNMinnesota Recount costs for rural counties irks some commissionersMinnesota Republicans aim to change recount ground rulesMinnesota Minnesota election law
MOMissouri Election board didn't vote on hiring security firm
NJNew Jersey Eatontown to undergo Election Day recount
NYNew York State finds no flaws with voting machinesNew York Lost voting machine in 60th Senate raceNew York Dems mull recount in 60th
NDNorth Dakota More than a third of voters cast ballots before Election Day
OHOhio Board of elections receives settlement from DieboldOhio Election official suspended
OKOklahoma Voter group says law could create barrier
PAPennsylvania Swearing on Bible may have been inappropriate
TXTexas Did straight-ticket voting affect Victoria County election?Texas Elecions chief in unchartered watersTexas Cameron County elections chief speaks outTexas Poll workers allege wrong-doing in judge's race
WVWest Virginia Howell
WIWisconsin Men deserve voting rights hear, judge says
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