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Wednesday November 24, 2010
ALAlabama Recount set in Jefferson County
AKAlaska Miller files vote-count lawsuit in state courtAlaska Miller's latest lawsuit pits voter intent vs. correct spelling
CACalifornia Federal voting rights cited in appointment lawsuitCalifornia Ballots mislaid in Indian WellsCalifornia O.C. election results final, but recounts still possible
COColorado Eagle County voting runs a hard road before it's official
CTConnecticut City agrees to unseal ballots for recount by Post, citizens groupConnecticut Ballot mess raises reform questionsConnecticut Bridgeport not among polling places being audited
FLFlorida Former Osceola County candidate sues over election lossFlorida Two McIntosh County women charged with election violations
ILIllinois Edgar County clerk Betty Kraemer set to retire
INIndiana Recount underway in St. Joseph County
LALouisiana Dardenne sworn-in
MNMinnesota Report
NJNew Jersey Recount set for Nov. 30 to Dec. 2New Jersey State probing election results in Patterson
NYNew York O'Connor to challenge votes in S. Amboy raceNew York With 99 percent of votes counted, Biship reportedly holds 206-vote leadNew York Affidavits provide details of absentee ballot investigation
NCNorth Carolina Cumberland elections board nixes call for new electionNorth Carolina Elections board denies Warner's request for new election
NDNorth Dakota Jaeger
OHOhio Judicial candidate questions uncounted votes
SCSouth Carolina Special election to come sooner than expected
TNTennessee Voting machines outnumber votersTennessee Putnam County state Senate candidate contesting electionTennessee Election commission chair resigns
TXTexas 69 votes missed in Cameron County judge's race final recount
VAVirginia Voter fraud charge withdrawn against sheriff's deputy
WVWest Virginia State Supreme Court will take time with special electionWest Virginia W.Va. won't make quick decision on special electionWest Virginia Davis won't hear case on gubernatorial electionWest Virginia Only one city applies for vote-by-mail program
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