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Thursday December 2, 2010
CACalifornia Escondido council holds filling vacancy
CTConnecticut Day Three
FLFlorida Five supervisor of elections workers lose their jobs
GAGeorgia Tab for Tuesday's runoff election
KYKentucky Judge dismisses on charge against former Clay election commissioner
MEMaine Summers named Maine's secretary of state
MIMichigan Costs of election to replace Bullard worry townshipMichigan Recount expected to be complete Thursday
MNMinnesota Wadena County votes recountedMinnesota From count room to court room?Minnesota Hennepin elections chief shoots back, canvassing board to meet FridayMinnesota Governor's recount
MOMissouri Englewood voters want their polling site back
NENebraska Youth volunteers honored for their election work
NJNew Jersey Eleven charged with voter fraud in Paterson election
NYNew York Bishop, Altschuler lawyers hold court at board of electionsNew York Judge's first ruling bumps Biship lead to 259New York Vote count continues in deadlocked racesNew York Troy's voter fraud case moving forward
OHOhio Losing mayor files lawsuit over election resultsOhio Rejected ballots to be investigatedOhio Recount still going on in Lucas CountyOhio Agreement signed between county and Price
SCSouth Carolina Commission, director prepare for next election
SDSouth Dakota Minnehaha auditor teaches students about voter fraud
WVWest Virginia Tennant again hints at gubernatorial run
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