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Friday December 17, 2010
AKAlaska Court ruling names 'Mukowski' but meaning is clear, state attorney says
AZArizona New clerk enjoys being part of government
CACalifornia Humboldt County election transparency project officials to be honoredCalifornia Special election will test new primary lawCalifornia Price tag for special election in ConcordCalifornia Monroe's replacement likely to be appointed
CTConnecticut 1 in 4 emergency ballots not counted in Bridgeport
FLFlorida St. Petersburg council votes to hold primary elections earlier
MDMaryland Former candidate seeks dismissal of election fraud charges
MIMichigan Oakland County clerk prepares for new job
MNMinnesota Ritchie signs Dayton election certificate
NVNevada Elections deputy resignsNevada Election official to resign
NYNew York Fight for Senate not overNew York GOP taskforce to look at ballot problems
NCNorth Carolina Judge dismisses challenge to Voting Rights ActNorth Carolina Ballot question leads to indictment
OHOhio Residents question Oakley election process
WVWest Virginia Unions want special election soon
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