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Thursday December 23, 2010
AKAlaska Alaska's Miller loses again, this time in state Supreme CourtAlaska Alaska will seek to certify Senate raceAlaska Supreme Court ruling follows precedent and state law
CACalifornia City closes polling places before first vote is cast
GAGeorgia Voting irregularities lead to ten arrests in South Georgia
GUGuam Supreme Court sets speedy pace in election lawsuit
MIMichigan Johnson builds secretary of state teamMichigan County to buy ballot bags for all precincts
NMNew Mexico County honors teen poll workersNew Mexico Judge sides with low-income voters
NYNew York Heights votes correctly counted in final tally
OHOhio Board of elections swears in new deputy director
SCSouth Carolina Charleston County to hold special election
TNTennessee August election complaints allege civil rights violation
TXTexas Official
WVWest Virginia Parkersburg council drops special fee electionWest Virginia Council weighs mail vote
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