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Wednesday January 5, 2011
CACalifornia Debra Bowen sworn into second term as secretary of stateCalifornia Gaines wins special electionCalifornia No special election for council vacancy
IAIowa Activists to Branstad
KYKentucky Former director as secretary of state's office named deputy clerk
MEMaine Cohen, credited with restoring voter trust, ends tenure as Portland city clerk
MAMassachusetts One-vote dispute leads to court battle over Worcester seat
MSMississippi Hosemann delivers proposal on voter ID to legislature
MOMissouri New Marion Co. clerk sworn in
NYNew York Vote probe gambit rejected by judgeNew York Legislation to enlarge ballot typeface
NCNorth Carolina Elections board looking for inactive votersNorth Carolina County may combine polling sites, reduce voting precincts
OHOhio Incoming elections chief says 2012 primary may have to wait if redistricting lags
TNTennessee Some vote in wrong ward after Hendersonville election snafuTennessee Lawmakers call for resignation of Shelby election commission chair
VAVirginia Lawmakers push for unrestricted early voting
WAWashington Special February elections in Clallam to cost between $50K and $60K
WVWest Virginia City of Morgantown adopts vote-by-mail program
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