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January 08 - 10, 2011
Technology NewsTechnology News Argonne security experts call voting systems insecure
CTConnecticut After Bridgeport fiasco, ballot fix proposedConnecticut Special election means more expensesConnecticut A recipe for voting reform in ConnecticutConnecticut Merrill begins job as new secretary of stateConnecticut Merrill
FLFlorida Scott's new secretary of state is a familiar face and double dipper
INIndiana Elections committee to consider vote centersIndiana Alting to introduce vote center bill
KYKentucky Vote fraud lawsuit trial is underwayKentucky Trey Grayson resigning to take Harvard positionKentucky Walker going to Frankfurt
LALouisiana Federal approval of Louisiana open primaries expected
MSMississippi Special election on despite weatherMississippi Vote could end lengthy voter ID debate
MOMissouri Secretary of state OKs circulation of early voting measure
NJNew Jersey Election day once again in Manasquan
NMNew Mexico Locals react to elections director appointment
NYNew York No state of pleasureNew York Fired BOE head files for comp timeNew York Special election on hold
NCNorth Carolina Board of elections votes to stop polling place consolidation
OHOhio Officials differ on state of elections board moveOhio Board of elections considers cost-cuttingOhio Husted sworn-in as secretary of stateOhio Outgoing secretary of state returns to law firmOhio Two twists, no answers in undecided race for judge
OKOklahoma Vendor selected for state's replacement voting systemOklahoma Tuesday's election, first with the new laws
VAVirginia Primary could be pushed back this year
WAWashington Reed wants earlier primary electionWashington Reed
WVWest Virginia Tennant now sounding like a candidateWest Virginia Panel weighs-in on gubernatorial succession
WIWisconsin Voter ID bill revived in WisconsinWisconsin Photo IDs could be required to cast ballots in Wisconsin
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