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Thursday January 13, 2011
AKAlaska Voter lawsuit over Senate race still active
CACalifornia Humboldt officials prepare for budget hits
DEDelaware Special election will on as scheduled
DCDistrict of Columbia D.C. voting centers gaining popularity...in Indiana
FLFlorida Delray Beach March election up in the air
GAGeorgia Brown wants controversial elections board change rescinded
ILIllinois Kankakee reduces number of polling places
KSKansas Kobach targets mail-in ballots in planned bill
KYKentucky Bowling Green Mayor Walker files for secretary of state
LALouisiana Group alleges Louisiana violating voting law
MNMinnesota Felon charged with voting in 2008
MTMontana Washburn wants more stringent rules to vote
NJNew Jersey Witness arrested in AC vote fraud trial
OHOhio Ruling provides little clarity on election disputeOhio Judge choice thrown into chaos
WAWashington Better chance this time for vote-by-mail supporters sayWashington Email voting clears committee, has easier path through legislatureWashington Pierce County auditor explains practical aspects of top-two decision
WVWest Virginia Number of Mercer County voting precincts to shrink
WIWisconsin Liberal group considers legal change to IDWisconsin Republicans unveil plan for voter IDWisconsin Threat of legal action hangs over voter ID bill
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