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Thursday February 3, 2011
Overseas NewsOverseas News Entries being accepted for Federal Voting Assistance Program poster and slogan contest
ALAlabama Shelby County Voting Rights case argued in Washington courtroomAlabama Court hears challenge to Voting Rights ActAlabama Judge raises questions about VRA
CACalifornia Mail-in supervisor election a first for San Mateo County
COColorado Voter ID proposal gains steam in HouseColorado Legislators propose bill to protect secretary of state websiteColorado Peterson Air Force base opens voting base
CTConnecticut Two years later, ACORN cleared of voter fraud
FLFlorida RNC chairman pushes Florida on early primary date
INIndiana Election board adds early voting sites
KSKansas Kansas bill finds favor at local level
MEMaine Polling place consolidation on the table again
MDMaryland Bill to require voter ID introduced
MNMinnesota Dayton on need for photo ID
MOMissouri Election could be rescheduled
NHNew Hampshire Students and residents react to proposed bill
NJNew Jersey Merging elections jobs bad idea, officials say
NMNew Mexico Silver City Rep introduces voter ID billNew Mexico Low voter turnout attributed to weather
NYNew York Judge hears arguments challenging special election
NCNorth Carolina Report
NDNorth Dakota Polling places may be required on ND reservations
OHOhio Election filing deadline pushed one day because of weatherOhio Secretary of state supports appeal
TNTennessee Jones, Gardner stepping down
TXTexas The world according to voter IDTexas Commissioner Price seizes control of Dallas County elections office
WAWashington Abandon presidential primary, leaders say
WVWest Virginia W.Va. voters, place your betsWest Virginia Harrisville part of early voting pilot programWest Virginia City election set May 17 despite state plansWest Virginia Tennant to announced gubernatorial bidWest Virginia Senate accepts primary date
WIWisconsin Got photo ID?
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