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February 12 - 14, 2011
National NewsNational News Harper introduces bill to terminate EAC
Overseas NewsOverseas News Expatriate US voters finding it easier to receive ballots
ALAlabama Election Center director resigns
ARArkansas Election errors? 'You betcha'
CACalifornia Fresno County clerk says votes in danger
COColorado Clerk's office deleted crucial data from laptopColorado Lawmakers vote to spend Gessler's money on schools
CTConnecticut Clemons' ballot bill faces uphill battleConnecticut Alternatives emerge to assure sufficient ballots at next city pollingConnecticut Merrill, lawmakers to unveil election reform
DEDelaware Area commission will allow mail-only voting
DCDistrict of Columbia D.C. voters might get no notice of special election
FLFlorida Tampa's election could cost almost $1MFlorida Boca Raton's $100K civics lessonFlorida In Lee County, an effort to rock the voteFlorida Record number of Tampa voters request mail-in ballotsFlorida Watson wins special election after recount
GAGeorgia Analysis
INIndiana Governor signs voting center bill into law
KSKansas Voter ID bill on hold in committeeKansas Area election officers favor Kobach bill
MIMichigan Dearborn Heights city clerk and most of staff resign
MNMinnesota Andover woman charged with 2008 voter fraud
MTMontana Poll
NYNew York New ballots a catalyst for Staten Island voting trendNew York WFP, Conservatives sue over ballot configurationNew York Third parties lawsuit moves forwardNew York 18 cited in voter fraud caseNew York Special election means added cost to county
OHOhio Polivka seeks to fill election board seatOhio Election board realigns city precinct over voting concernsOhio Revised precincts, polling locations for May vote
PAPennsylvania Polling places moved
TNTennessee Council ponders runoff voting system for Clarksville elections
TXTexas Richardson council honors former Dallas elections administratorTexas New Dallas County elections administrator talks
VAVirginia Local campaigns on hold till elections calendar set
WVWest Virginia Officials decide appointments for primary election workersWest Virginia Two precinct changes approved
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