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Tuesday February 15, 2011
AKAlaska Write-in bill passes state Senate
AZArizona Election day polling places listed
CACalifornia Playa del Norte election results could come quicklyCalifornia Mail-only balloting possible for countyCalifornia Kehoe bill would test out all-mail voting in San Diego County
COColorado Council, mayor to decide changes to Aspen eleciton code
CTConnecticut Bill gives Conn. official more election oversightConnecticut Merrill proposes voting by mail
DEDelaware Estimated cost to implement Dewey electronic voter records lowered
ILIllinois Residents vote early for mayor
IAIowa Iowa's county election offiicals oppose bill to require photo IDIowa Changes eyed for city elections in Des Moines
MAMassachusetts Handicapped access ramp pitched for polling place
MOMissouri Extended hours for absentee voting in postponed electionMissouri Absentee voters can cast ballots on Saturday
NHNew Hampshire Students oppose voting restrictions
NYNew York Lever machines may return for village elections
NCNorth Carolina NHC elections director gives two weeks noticeNorth Carolina Election critics bring case to county board
SCSouth Carolina Voting machines at issue
SDSouth Dakota Changes proposed for food for votes law
TNTennessee Committee to meet on Steakley/Burks electionTennessee Photo ID passes state SenateTennessee Senate approves voter photo ID
VAVirginia First shift of Lynchburg electoral board in eight years
WVWest Virginia Tennant to testify on MOVE Act
WIWisconsin Unusually high number of poll workers canceling ahead of Tuesday primary
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