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Thursday February 17, 2011
Overseas NewsOverseas News Lawmakers
CACalifornia Bill would allow Californians to register onlineCalifornia Surprises loom as election debate picks up steam
COColorado November ballots go through the mail
GUGuam Lawmakers ponder possibility of repealing early voting
HIHawaii Instant runoff voting gains traction in Hawaii
INIndiana Grand jury probing vote by WhiteIndiana No charges filed in ballot probe
KSKansas Election commissioner forming study committee for voting places
LALouisiana Rep. Walker Hines plans to run for secretary of state
MEMaine Bill would require voters to show ID at pollsMaine Lawmakers considering bill that would require change in election rules
MDMaryland Counties ask for more early voting sites
NENebraska Vote by mail election gets an 'aye'
NMNew Mexico Committee vote on voter ID bill postponedNew Mexico Voter ID bill unlikely to passNew Mexico Feds halt purge of 60K voters
NYNew York Villages prefer reliable older lever voting machinesNew York Croton voters asked to move elections to November
NCNorth Carolina Requiring voter ID
OKOklahoma Bill's passage would help military voters
SCSouth Carolina 1,127 voters not counted in Richland in November
TNTennessee Rutherford County elections administrator steps downTennessee Walker resigns from post as administrator of electionsTennessee County receives bill for election commission audit
TXTexas Commissioners introduce new elections administrator
VAVirginia Judge's ruling expands access to Virginian's voting records
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