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March 12 - 14, 2011
National NewsNational News http://www.nationaljournal.com/columns/rules-of-the-game/voting-the-rising-degree-of-difficulty-20110313
CACalifornia County clerk cites 'human error' for ballot miscalculationCalifornia $15.85-a-vote special election criticized
COColorado Meyers explains missing ballot stubsColorado Aspen election group discusses ballot transparency
CTConnecticut Kane supports online voting for millitary personnel
FLFlorida Caragiulo wins after recount, Clapp wants ballot reviewFlorida Anti-fraud unit ready for Miami recall electionFlorida Lawsuit seeks to block results of mayor's race
ILIllinois County preps for upcoming April electionIllinois Appointments lag to state board of electionsIllinois April 5 election goes electric
INIndiana White pleads not guiltyIndiana White's second in command quitsIndiana Secretary of state speaks out after indictmentIndiana Voting centers not coming to Vigo County
KSKansas Legislator offers 'voter ID light' billKansas Kansas Senators review alternative to Kobach bill
NJNew Jersey Senate panel OKs bill to cut election postsNew Jersey Bill would streamline county election posts to save costs
NMNew Mexico Plenty of contention, but no solution yet in debate over voter ID
NCNorth Carolina Lawmakers to take up voter IDNorth Carolina High court upholds ballot access law
OHOhio Polling places, sign changes may come
SCSouth Carolina Sumter nonprofit warns against requiring photo IDs to vote
TNTennessee Steakley files new complaintTennessee Burns could be next town to move electionTennessee Polk readies for voter verification, redistrictingTennessee New appeal filed over August vote
USVIUS Virgin Islands Board of elections will close Harris Court poll
VAVirginia Manassas Park seeks control over voting processVirginia Police chief on panel advocating for restoration of felons' rights
WIWisconsin Voter ID bill sparks concern
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