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Wednesday March 23, 2011
ALAlabama House passes bill to require voters to show photo ID
AZArizona Council discusses making city election vote-by-mail
CACalifornia Clerks say time is running out for special electionCalifornia Grand jury report says no election misconductCalifornia Report
DCDistrict of Columbia Students push for voter registration
FLFlorida Low turnout stumps officials
GAGeorgia Bill would shorten early voting
IAIowa Schulz catching flak for push to make it harder for Iowans to vote
KSKansas Senate warms to election reformKansas Debate lingers over voter fraud bill
NENebraska Frequently asked election-day questions
NVNevada Bill would allow election-day registrationNevada Voter measure draws reactionNevada Hardy trying to end early voting
NJNew Jersey Voters could mail-in ballots in future elections
NYNew York State mandate could change voting dates and procedures
NCNorth Carolina Vote Wednesday could push voter ID bill forwardNorth Carolina Controversial bill aims to prevent voter fraud
OHOhio ES&S agrees to give Cuyahoga County $200KOhio Ohio GOP moving fast on voter ID bill
TNTennessee Election commission takes out ad in defense
TXTexas Voter ID bill raises flags
WIWisconsin Elections board supports primary change
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