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Wednesday March 30, 2011
National NewsNational News The GOP's voter ID gambitNational News DOJ probe says Panthers case handled properlyNational News Agency lawyers cleared in voting case
ALAlabama Voter ID bill a step in right direction, commentators sayAlabama Photo ID law up for vote
CACalifornia Chico to hold June elections with or without state
COColorado Secretary's background is in election law
GAGeorgia Legislation proposed for elections boardGeorgia Fayette commission backs off elections board power struggle
IDIdaho Consolidation meant to make voting easier
IAIowa Photo ID to vote? Unnecessary says auditor
KSKansas Voter ID bill goes to governorKansas Kobach comments on passage of voter ID billKansas Kobach ready to advise other states on ID
MEMaine Election challenged
MAMassachusetts Alicea says he's got money for election
MNMinnesota Rep. debates voter ID bill at community meeting
NJNew Jersey Firefighters to close station to voters
NYNew York Election under reviewNew York Could election of new mayor hinge on absentee and military ballots?
OHOhio Cat that adopted elections board as home dies in surgeryOhio Harwood named to elections board
PAPennsylvania Bill would require photo ID to vote in Pennsylvania
SCSouth Carolina Opponents call SC voter ID bill too costly
TNTennessee Election leader ponders budget
TXTexas Birdwell and Orr praise voter ID billTexas Candidate challenges polling place named after incumbent
USVIUS Virgin Islands Abramson to stay on at elections while replacement is sought
VAVirginia Virginia officials talk with Montgomery County electoral board
WVWest Virginia Voting machine contract frustrates commissionerWest Virginia Secretary of state working on voting machine contracts
WIWisconsin Free cab rides for voters
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