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April 09 - 11, 2011
CACalifornia Governor pushes for special electionCalifornia San Mateo County supervisor election comes with a twist
DCDistrict of Columbia Washington testing voting machines ahead of special election
FLFlorida Voters face Palm Coast election change decision
ILIllinois Election judges find 2010 ballots
INIndiana New city voters in Knight Township will use paper ballots for primaryIndiana Elkhart County board member firedIndiana Indiana Dem chief appoints new member to panel that will hear White challengeIndiana Multiple sites for early vote unlikely
KSKansas Coin flip, provisionals determine two races
MDMaryland Voter registration reform gains traction in Maryland
MAMassachusetts Town rebuffs groups on voter ID issue
MSMississippi Counties removing voting printersMississippi Right to vote hard to regain
NCNorth Carolina Hendersonville votes to keep instant-runoff voting
OKOklahoma Provisional vote tally changes outcome
PAPennsylvania Worker wasn't fired for party affiliationPennsylvania Smithkors hired as Bradford County elections directorPennsylvania County cutting back on election-day help
TNTennessee Election officer bill passedTennessee Metro Nashville elections may move back one year
TXTexas More party line votes on voter ID
VAVirginia Cuccinelli will not challenge Voting Rights Act requirements
WVWest Virginia Retailers warned of liquor sales banWest Virginia Bill reduces time for early voting
WIWisconsin How canvassing worksWisconsin Koppenburg campaign reviewing Waukesha County ballotsWisconsin Election officials scrutinize voting resultsWisconsin Error is possible during vote counting
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