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Wednesday April 13, 2011
CACalifornia Walnut to consider having county-run elections
COColorado Canvassing of votes changes outcome of Leon elections
FLFlorida Kids rock the mini vote at TBE
GAGeorgia Kemp applauds passage of early voting legislation
ILIllinois County election officials set to canvass write-in ballots
INIndiana White recuses self from own recount panel caseIndiana City's 4th district polling place set to make a splash
MDMaryland Election board may move Ocean Pines polling site
MAMassachusetts Voter iD billboard irks Latino advocates
MTMontana Secretary of state expresses worry on effect of postal closure on mail ballots
NHNew Hampshire Churches function as polling places
NMNew Mexico Voter fraud probe grinds in secrecyNew Mexico Board allows absentee voting
OHOhio Hamilton County leads state--in dead votersOhio 18,640 dead Ohioans on active voter lists
TNTennessee Election commission to consider administrator reappointment
TXTexas MacLeod steps up fight to move polling place
WAWashington Q&A for Secretary of State Sam Reed
WIWisconsin Leibham hopes voter ID bill passes soonWisconsin Clerk refuses to step downWisconsin Nickolaus fends off calls for resignation
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