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May 07 - 9, 2011
AZArizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett forms exploratory gubernatorial committee
CACalifornia Interview with Secretary of State Debra Bowen
COColorado AG's office answers Saguache clerk
FLFlorida Opponents blast election reform billFlorida Nelson warns Scott to veto elections bill or face federal investigationFlorida Precinct changes move more than 2K votersFlorida Florida House cuts early voting
GAGeorgia Elections board may digitize vote files
INIndiana Sex offenders who vote in schools may spark bill
KSKansas Kobach talks about new voter ID bill
KYKentucky Investigation underway into 2010 election
MAMassachusetts South Bridge election workers get state training
MIMichigan City goes high tech for future elections
MTMontana Schweitzer vetoes voter registration bill
NJNew Jersey Voters could mail ballots for all future elections under proposed bill
NCNorth Carolina Lawyers challenge Section 5 of Voting Rights Act in D.C. Circuit Court
OHOhio Absentee ballots in Struthers race probedOhio Questions raised over absentee ballots in Mahoning County
PAPennsylvania Ineligible judge candidate on ballots
SDSouth Dakota Sioux Falls electoin to use new e-poll book voting system
TNTennessee Rucker quits post on election commission
TXTexas State considering online voter registrationTexas After error, McAllen changes voting process
VAVirginia Censured Montgomery County registrar reappointed to post
WVWest Virginia Different polling places at two locations
WIWisconsin Recount moves along, but not without questionsWisconsin As voter ID nears passage, only sure thing is high price tagWisconsin State suspends voter registration trainingWisconsin Recount finds few changes in Marathon CountyWisconsin Recount results altered slightlyWisconsin County finishes recount ahead of Monday deadline
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