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Thursday May 12, 2011
ARArkansas Law sets $1K threshold for poll worker unemployment claimArkansas Three-vote difference in runoff
FLFlorida Senator blasts state election reformFlorida League of Women Voters accuses legislature of voter suppressionFlorida Democratic-allied groups call for Scott to veto elections billFlorida Martin County agrees to buy building rented by elections office
INIndiana Recount commission to appeal ruling in White caseIndiana Recount commission to appeal White rulingIndiana Close races may hang on provisional ballots
KSKansas Senate rejects attempt to toughen voter ID billKansas Election reform blocked by Senate
KYKentucky Elections board complete certification
LALouisiana Bill to reduce number of tax and bond elections clears Senate committee
MDMaryland Absentee ballot complaints spur hearing
MAMassachusetts Close vote will yield recount
MNMinnesota Minnesota Poll
MSMississippi Shrine denies overcharging city
MOMissouri Legislature completes work on voter IDMissouri Opponents of photo ID call on Nixon to veto bill
NCNorth Carolina House panel moves to cut early votingNorth Carolina Sheriff challenger raises concerns about early votingNorth Carolina Cut to early voting advancesNorth Carolina Legislators consider election changes
OHOhio Husted urges teens to voteOhio Bill would aim to aid military in voting
RIRhode Island Senate plans to vote on voter ID bill
SCSouth Carolina Senate approves voter ID billSouth Carolina Voter ID bill heads to Haley for signature
TNTennessee Clifford Rodgers aims to calm election commission turmoilTennessee Legislature mulls voting center proposals
WAWashington Recall election could cost $350K to $900K
WVWest Virginia Harrison County needs poll workers for SaturdayWest Virginia Information snafu caused inaccurate vote totals
WIWisconsin Assembly passes GOP-backed voter IDWisconsin Assembly approves voter ID, sends bill to SenateWisconsin Voter ID rules would impact July 12 recall electionsWisconsin Judge recount shows little change in countyWisconsin Recount in Waukesha about 45 percent complete
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